Swedish Scholarship Program


Stating Date:

January 1, 2023


Scholarship Overview

The Swedish Institute (SI) offers scholarships to international students who wish to pursue full-time master's degree programs in Sweden. The SI scholarships are funded by the Swedish government and aim to develop global leaders who will contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The scholarship program is highly competitive and covers tuition fees, living expenses, insurance, and travel grants.
Here are some key points about the Swedish Institute Scholarship program:

  1. Eligibility: The scholarships are open to students from a selected list of countries outside the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA), and Switzerland. Each year, the Swedish Institute announces the eligible countries for that particular scholarship round. Applicants must have a minimum of 3,000 hours of work experience, leadership experience, or voluntary work.
  2. Available programs: The scholarship covers master's degree programs offered by Swedish universities in various fields, including social sciences, natural sciences, technology, humanities, and many more. The complete list of eligible programs is available on the Swedish Institute's website.
  3. Application process: Interested candidates need to apply directly to the master's program of their choice at a Swedish university. Once admitted, they can apply for the Swedish Institute Scholarship through an online application portal. The application typically requires submitting personal information, a CV, motivation letter, and letters of reference.
  4. Selection criteria: The selection process is highly competitive and based on several criteria, including academic excellence, leadership experience, professional background, and the potential to contribute to sustainable development in their home country and globally.
  5. Benefits: The scholarship covers full tuition fees, a monthly living allowance, travel grants, health insurance, and other additional benefits. The exact amount of the monthly allowance varies depending on the level of study and the university location.
  6. Obligations: Scholarship recipients are expected to be ambassadors of Sweden and the Swedish Institute, actively participate in events and activities organized by the Swedish Institute, and maintain a high standard of conduct and academic performance.
The Swedish Institute offers highly competitive scholarships to international students for full-time master's degree programs in Sweden. These scholarships aim to develop global leaders who will contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, providing comprehensive support for academic pursuits.

What is the Target Audience?

  • International Students with Leadership Experience
  • Aspiring Scholars in Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Environmental and Sustainable Development Enthusiasts
  • Academically Excellent Students from Eligible Countries
  • Instructor : John Doe
  • Lectures :14
  • Duration :4-6 years
  • Duration :4-6 years
  • Enrolled :50 students
  • Language :English

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