Saud Arabia
King Abdul-aziz Scholarship

Saud Arabia

Stating Date:

January 1, 2023


Scholarship Overview

King Abdulaziz University (KAU) in Saudi Arabia offers scholarships to both Saudi and international students. These scholarships aim to support students in pursuing their higher education and research at KAU.
Here is some general information about scholarships at King Abdulaziz University:

  1. Saudi Government Scholarships: The Saudi Arabian government provides various scholarship programs to Saudi nationals, including those who wish to study at King Abdulaziz University. These scholarships cover tuition fees, accommodation, health insurance, and a monthly stipend. Interested students can apply through the Ministry of Education's scholarship portal or the Higher Education Institutions' Admission Center (HEIAC).
  2. King Abdulaziz University Scholarships for International Students: KAU offers scholarships to international students from around the world. These scholarships are typically provided in the form of full tuition waivers, monthly stipends, and health insurance coverage. Eligibility criteria, application procedures, and deadlines may vary, so it is advisable to Ÿ check the KAU website or contact the International Relations Office for detailed information.
  3. Research Assistantships and Fellowships: KAU also provides research assistantships and fellowships to support students who are actively engaged in research projects or academic endeavors. These opportunities are usually available within specific departments or research centers at the university. Interested students should reach out to their respective departments or research supervisors for more information.
King Abdulaziz University (KAU) offers scholarships to both Saudi and international students, including Saudi Government Scholarships and KAU Scholarships for international students. Research assistantships are also available, fostering academic pursuits.

What is the Target Audience?

  • Saudi Nationals
  • International Students
  • Students Interested in Research and Academic Pursuits
  • Applicants Seeking Scholarship Information
  • Instructor : John Doe
  • Lectures :14
  • Duration :4-6 years
  • Duration :4-6 years
  • Enrolled :50 students
  • Language :English

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