Japan Government Scholarship


Stating Date:

January 1, 2023


Scholarship Overview

The Government of Japan offers various scholarships to international students through different programs. The most well-known scholarship program is the MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology) Scholarship.
Here are some details about the MEXT Scholarship:

  1. MEXT Scholarship for Undergraduate Students: This scholarship is for students who wish to pursue an undergraduate degree in Japan. The scholarship covers tuition fees, a monthly stipend, and round-trip airfare.
  2. MEXT Scholarship for Research Students: This scholarship is for students who want to pursue research or graduate studies in Japan. It covers tuition fees, a monthly stipend, and round-trip airfare.
  3. MEXT Scholarship for Teacher Training Students: This scholarship is available for students who wish to study in Japan and become teachers in their home country. It covers tuition fees, a monthly stipend, and round-trip airfare.
  4. MEXT Scholarship for Japanese Studies Students: This scholarship is for students who want to study Japanese language and culture in Japan. It covers tuition fees, a monthly stipend, and round-trip airfare.
The Government of Japan offers diverse MEXT scholarships for international students, supporting their pursuit of undergraduate, research, teacher training, and Japanese studies programs. These scholarships cover tuition, stipends, and airfare, enhancing global educational opportunities.

What is the Target Audience?

  • Prospective Undergraduate Students
  • Research and Graduate Students
  • Aspiring Teachers
  • Students of Japanese Language and Culture
  • Instructor : John Doe
  • Lectures :14
  • Duration :4-6 years
  • Duration :4-6 years
  • Enrolled :50 students
  • Language :English

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